Wednesday, May 03, 2006


sometimes it's just little, simple things... you look up and see something someone else would shrug at - but for whatever reason, you find something to appreciate. or maybe something you've shrugged at before, or maybe something you just didn't notice... it's weird how we make value judgments sometimes when we're not paying attention. then we realize we were bugging, when suddenly something is gone and we miss it, or our soul craves something and we instinctively seek it out for solace, or inspiration, or nostalgia - whatever the case may be. i wish sometimes i could walk slower on this path. everything seems to be flying by so so very fast. i'm not the inhaling type - i'm the one still licking the popsicle after everyone else is left holding a stained stick. make it last forever. take your time. savor the moment, the feeling, the sensation... let it linger. i just know that if i could do that with every thing, then i'd get even more satisfaction out of life, 'cause then maybe little simple gems wouldn't go by unappreciated by me. i think that's why ole folks tend to walk and talk and tell stories slowly - they know what we young folks have yet to learn. we gotta appreciate the journey, not fast forward to the end result. that last chapter won't have the same punch without an appreciation for the rising and falling action. climax to conclusion can leave you hongry... page by page gives you more food for thought. patience is not always my strong suit, and depending on the situation, sometimes i find myself struggling to hold back and pace myself - sometimes i'm lucky enough to appreciate something right off, and i just wanna get allllll the juice. but then i remember that when a moment is over, that's it, and then i have to look for something else to appreciate, when there are no guarantees. that's like speeding from red light to red light. nope. the best, is when you time it just right, get a little lighter in the foot, and hit those corners riiiiiiight when the lights turn green, baby. it's all in the pacing. you notice more that way. life gets more delicious...