by the way, it's that time of year when i start shameless birthday self promotion. my twenty-fifth birthday is coming up again! yay! and i've updated my wish list! yay!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
happy new year postscript
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1:05 AM
happy new year
happy new year.
be blessed in it!
personally, i got some big plans.
i'ma need some diligence and patience, and i'ma have to do some hard work. some of it is personal. other parts are financial. another is professional. yet another is literary. maybe this year will be a year of achievement for me.
thinking back, i see the 2005 was a year of searching for me. i was searching for my professional self, and in my frustration ('cause i hadn't yet learned that my professional self didn't have to differ from the person i'd already become), i ventured out and stumbled upon my creative self. in 2005 i moved across states, switched jobs, found a gaggle/pride/flock of new friends, and got dumped. twice. i spent a lot of time dreaming that year. it was a joyful whirlwind.
but by the time 2006, my year of change, came around, the storm that was brewing in the latter end of the previous year kept getting scarier. i was so unhappy with my 9-to-5. after all of my searching and venturing and turning over stones, i finally wound up at the doorstep of change. new job. new cell phone. new computer. new relationship. new resolve to be happy. new car. new apartment. new priorities. as any (former?) reader of this blog would know, i even started blogging less. stability was NOT the name of the game last year. but it's okay. i'm happier with the new gig (and paid better, too.) and my priorities changed because they had to. i'm growing up - things are happening, you know? i'm spending less time on my.space and more time enjoying real life at home.
i really like where i've landed. and i find it intriguing that despite the best laid plans by mice and myself, i still don't know where this year is going. i have my hopes and my guesses, but the beauty of the whole thing is i still have to live my way through it, just like everybody else. i just have to trust God and move in faith, using the sense He gave me to get from A to B. i have my intentions, but only time will tell what may happen.
Posted by
12:21 AM